First drone show in Lithuania coming up!

August 13, 2021

Next Saturday, during the Vilnius Light Festival, Light a Sky together with the will perform the first drone show in Lithuania. Implementing this event requires considerable resources and preparation, so about everything from the beginning.

We had a dream to perform a drone show in Lithuania for a long time. It took several years to prepare for this: to analyze the market, buy drones, software solutions, go through the training path and do endless other little things. We haven't thought about the events yet, but seeing that we can make it, we decided to take part in the Vilnius Light Festival 2021, which will take place on August 13-15. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate this innovative technology to Vilnius residents and guests.

With all the necessary equipment, we started intensive preparations. Two weeks before the show is a fairly short time to prepare not only for the animation but also for the technological side. And where else is the receiving of flight permits and other organizational issues.

Creating an animation takes probably the longest. Although the idea of what we want to show to the citizens came about quickly - the history of the establishment of Vilnius, its technical implementation and improvement is still going on. In parallel with the creation of the animation, we are also conducting experimental drone swarm flights. A performance of this magnitude cannot be done right in the city center, it is important to preserve the surprise. For this reason, for technical preparation, we went to a remote area well outside the city.

Of course, the first solo flights did not inevitably lead to "surprises". We had to solve the problems on site ourself and consult with the drone manufacturer. It was a joy to solve every challenge for the whole team as it was another step towards a successful performance..

Mark August 14, 23:00 in your calendars and lets meet at Baltasis Tiltas at the first drone show in Lithuania! And for those who want to admire other installations of the Vilnius Festival of Lights, another performance of the drone swarm at Baltasis Tiltas is planned on Sunday, June 15 at 23:00.

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